Puppy Basic Obedience Foundation
Age: Four to Eight Month Duration: Two Weeks
Youngster Intermediate Obedience Foundation
Age: Eight to Twelve Month Duration: Three Weeks
This program is designed and taught for the young, receptive, impressionable and developing puppy canine mind. Key goals to achieve are to constructively develop intellect, confidence, self control and motivation with respect to the command language and to establish the proper relation between the puppy and the human leader. We also teach the proper manner set that is needed for living in the human household. Through one to two sessions per day, the first week is spent teaching the command language set with a moderate approach paced by the student’s rate of absorption and retention abilities. The second week consists of the continuation of teaching the command set, the reinforcement of those commands thru reward and correction motivational expressions and the building of the proper human/canine relationship.
Command Set Taught:
/ Sit / Down / Sit Stay / Down Stay / Heel / Lets Go / Move /
/ Go to Spot / Come / Leave It / Back / Wait / Off / Up /
This level revolves around the dog that is transitioning into adolescence. At this age, we set higher command performance goals for your dog as their intellect and attention span increase. They develop better self-control as a result of our integration of time, distance and distractions proofing into the basic command set. We build a list of positive desires for your dog and then use that in finding what best motivates your dog. Unwanted behaviors are corrected with correct alternative behavior encouraged and rewarded. Depending upon your dog’s progress, he/she may be taken off site to proof their skills in other environments.
Command Set Taught:
/ Sit / Down / Sit Stay / Down Stay / Heel / Lets Go / Move /
/ Go to Spot / Come / Leave It / Back / Wait / Off / Up /
Adult Advanced Obedience Foundation
Age: One year + Duration: Four Weeks
Adult Off Lead Advanced
Age: 18 Months+, Plus Prior Training Duration: Three Weeks
During the month long adult obedience foundation program, your dog will learn extensive on leash obedience in addition to the off lead command, “come”, from a distance. The relationship between dog and humans is established with the dog being subordinate and the human being the alpha leader. This teaches your dog the role of proper followership in their expected behavior. They learn the expression of leadership thru the human trainers and handlers who interact with them daily. The command language is taught to have meaning, motivation and a consistent level of performance. The first two weeks of your dog’s training is done on our premises for the command learning motivation and reinforcement phases. During the final two weeks of the program, the proofing and polishing phase is done in the field with your dog being taken into urban areas such as downtown, parks and shopping centers and into rural settings such as beaches and forest trails. This method insures that your dog is properly socialized during their training and will perform under everyday situations and distractions.
Command Set Taught:
/ Sit / Down / Sit Stay / Down Stay / Heel / Lets Go / Move /
/ Go to Spot / Come / Leave It / Back / Wait / Off / Up /
This advanced program is for off lead control as well as a review of the commands your dog has already learned. This course requires completion of our four week adult program. Your dog will be taken off lead on our ninety acres where he/she will learn to stay close in a general sphere of moving space. He/she will learn to change direction as well as come when called from a distance and also will learn the importance of the “leave it” command off lead. He/she will learn all of their basic commands off lead as well. All of the work is done on our premises during the command learning, motivational and reinforcement phases.
Command Set Taught:
/ This Way / Close / Wrong Way / Come / Leave It / Stay / Wait /
/ Say Hello / Nice / Halt / Lets Go